
Get a Home Loan
If you need financing in order to purchase a home, it is vital that you get pre-qualified by a reputable lender prior to beginning your home search. In Arizona, a buyer represented by a licensed real estate agent must present an Arizona Association of Realtors approved Loan Pre-Qualification Form with an offer to purchase real estate. Loan Pre-qualification is a procedure where you get an opinion from a reputable lender about how much you qualify for. Finding a qualified lender is very important to a successful home purchase–here are a few exemplary loan originators to consider when shopping for a loan:
- Leslie Nilsen, First Class Financial Services, NMLS# 162494, Direct: 602.361.3835
Email: mortgagedr@fcfs.net Website: www.fcfs.net Apply for a Loan: Register Here
- Juan R. Fimbres Ayala, Alliance Home Loans, NMLS# 282378, Direct: 480.593.6193
Email: jfimbres@alliancehomeloans.com Website: www.alliancehomeloans.com/jfimbres
If you would like other referrals, please contact our office.